Monday, October 7, 2013

Move Over Jack Russells, Here Comes The Sheep

. (Nigel Roddis/Getty Images Europe)
A tradition at Gold Cup has long been the wildly popular Jack Russell races.  Popular at horse events around the Piedmont, these feisty little competitors have made it all the way to Washington D.C. for the International Horse Show and New York for the David Letterman Show.

Now, it would be great fun to see the terriers “herd” these future lamb chops over said hurdles, fact is sheep racing is exclusively done in unnamed parts of the Midwestern U.S. of A and in a place called Masham.  Not to be confused with “Mash ‘Em.” Masham is in Northern England in Yorkshire and they celebrate the woolly critters for two day in late September.

Maybe next year.

In fact, now that the Gold Cup has legal pari-mutuel wagering, maybe one could place a couple quid on the outcome of sheep v. terriers?  Just a thought…

For more information on the legal wagering that will take place at the International Gold Cup races, click here.

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