Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Look, Horses! I Wonder Which One Is Going To Win?

Here’s how this goes. Everybody has said, “I went to the Gold Cup and I never saw a horse.” Har-Har. It’s an old joke. Let it go. This year, there is the best reason ever to watch the races: YOUR MONEY.

Yes, this year you can place a legal pari-mutuel wager on the races, so, you might as well pay attention and watch your investment at work. 

There are wide cross sections of groups at the Virginia Gold Cup with various levels of interest.
There is the "horsey" set that actually cares what happens. Usually because they know somebody involved with one of the horses or, better yet, they know one of the horses.

Then there’s the “non-horsey” set who simply finds the racing action fascinating.
Then there is the “interested to be polite” group. They pay attention to the races so as not to offend their host or hostess.

After that you have the “modestly interested” set who will watch a race if they happen to be looking in the right direction when the race starts. And, finally, there is the “don’t care” group.
Now there is a subset of each group, and eventually these subsets morph into the “interested” category.  That subset is comprised of people who may or may not care about watching the actual race until they place an actual wager on said race.

Having a horse to cheer for based on a $1 investment makes the race much more exciting. Mind you, a modes wager won’t make you rich, but it makes those few minutes much more interesting.
Fact is there are six, maybe seven race with purses of $240,000. The Gold Cup is now run for a  $75,000. That’s real money.

People spend a large part of their lives looking for the “right horse” that can jump 23 big immovable obstacles while running four miles. The horses can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $500,000. Trainers spend years and years honing their skills to condition these horses properly, and the jockeys basically risk life and limb.

Now, you can spice it up by wagering on the horse you think will win.

Then you WATCH the race.

It’s pretty simple… 

(Don't forget to bring some cash!)

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