Friday, October 19, 2012

Let’s Review

International Gold Cup: Tomorrow

10 am – Gates open to public.

Noon – Jack Russell races in the paddock.

Noon Thirty – Ashland Bassets (not sure what they do, but we bet their cool).
(Stephen Little via Flickr)
1 pm – Opening ceremony, National Anthem.

1 pm – Tailgate Competition.

1 Thirty pm – First race.

2 Ten pm  – Second race.

2 Fifty pm  – Third race.

3 Twenty pm  – Fourth race.

4 pm – Fifth Race, the International Gold Cup presented by Porsche.

4 Forty pm – Sixth and final race.

6 Thirty pm – Gates closed. (You should be outside of them when they do this.)

See, that was easy.

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