Thursday, April 26, 2012

What Not To Wear

(Tim Whitby/Getty Images)
OK, it’s crunch time.  The countdown reads NINE days until the Virginia Gold Cup.  Most of you either know what you are going to where or you have narrowed it down.  That said, rookie’s are always perched on the edge of the fashion cliff just one short step from a Gold Cup fashion faux paux.

That’s why we occasionally remind you ‘what not to wear,’ that, and sometimes we come across crazy fashion photos we feel compelled to share.
(Tim Whitby/Getty Images)
These two ‘what not to wear’ photos come from the “Alternative Fashion Week” held in London at the Old Spitalfields Market.

No offense, Brits, but if it involves “spital,” we’re out. Just sayin’.
(Stefania D'Alessandro/Getty Images)

Soon we'll discuss further the "dos and don'ts" of tailgaiting.

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