Tuesday, April 27, 2010


10. Would it kill you to pay the neighbor kid to mow the grass? We know you will do a better job, but we're talking one time.

9. C'mon! You can play golf (badly) every other Saturday in May.

8. Even the Kentucky Derby needs a pre-game show.

7. When was the last time you hung out with 49,999 of your closest friends?

6. Where else are you going to wear that cool (gigantic) hat?

5. Your (gas guzzling) SUV actually makes sense at Great Meadow.

4. Horse racing is the “Sport of Kings.” Isn’t that good enough for you?

3. Brad Pitt, George Clooney and Bono will probably (not) be there.

2. The Weather Gods promised perfect weather (sort of). Don’t mess with the weather.

…and the Number 1 reason to go to the 2010 Virginia Gold Cup races:

(drum roll, please…)

1. No American Idol contestant (past or present) will be singing the national anthem!

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