Wednesday, April 7, 2010


No not the margarita machine, the mixer you use to bake stuff.

Yes, you have one…look in the back of the cabinet…way back there. Move the food processor and the blender…Hey, what’s that sticky stuff on the blender (margarita, daiquiri, who knows?)…yuck, gross.

There's the mixer, right where you left it.

Get it out and get to work because the Gold Cup is having a Cake Walk Contest with none other than Food Network star Duff Goldman of Ace of Cakes!

Look this is serious, Chef Duff is not just a television star, he’s also a baker and food artist who has been described as both audacious and creative (by somebody else, not us.) He owns a cake shop in Baltimore called Charm City Cakes. His work has also been featured on the Food Network Challenge, Iron Chef America, Oprah , and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

Goldman's bakery shop is unusual in that blow torches, as well as power tools such as grinders and drills, are used to help form the underlying supports of the unique edible creations. With his crew, Goldman has done unusual cakes such as a likenesses of Elvis, a smoking volcano, a three-dimensional German Shepherd, as well as a replica of a CAT scan machine, a jeep, and an edible Wrigley Field.

Needless to say, you’ve got some work to do.

The Contest is limited to the first 30 contestants that have submitted the online application form with payment and illustration/picture of the cake being entered. Applications will be accepted starting on April 1, 2010 at 9:00 AM EST.

You can get your entry forms by clicking here.

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