Monday, April 12, 2010


So we know the Jack Russell races that happen at the Gold Cup are truly great fun. If you haven’t made your way over to the paddock to see them or looked up from the tailgate long enough to spy them on the jumbotron, you need to check them out.

With that as preface, we may have just discovered another lively racing addition to an already crowded Gold Cup Saturday agenda.

How about hamster racing?

You can check it out Saturday, April 24 at the Petco in Warrenton, VA where the Hamster Ball Derby will be taking place. According to a Petco press release from last October, Petco’s all over the country are hosting derbies – some 950 locations.

According to Petco’s release, last year’s race drew more than 12,000 racing hamsters and their cheering pet parents. Using hamster balls as their vehicles, hamsters will race down eight-foot tracks in heats of four en route to the finish line for a chance at derby glory.

Evidently, this has been going on for a while…

Of course, Petco is quick to point out that they can hook you up with your own Hamster O’ War or Secrehamsterait so you can become a patron of this ever growing sport. Not only can they get you a racing hamster they can also get you one of those plastic balls that they race in as well.

To be sure your hamster is ready to race, Petco also provides a five week training schedule to get your rodent ready for race day…a sample week goes like this: Tuesday, 15 supervised minutes in ball on Super Pet Hamtrac. Yes, the key word is “supervised.” Apparently Hamtrac is like a Nordic Track for the little critters.

Moving along, Wednesday – rest. Thursday – 15 minutes in the ball on the track. Friday – rest. You get the picture.

Oh, and remember on race day, provide plenty of clean water and food for you hamster. Add sunblock to the list and it’s a good strategy for you on Gold Cup day as well.

For more info complete with a training video, click here.

1 comment:

  1. That is an adorable hamster in that hamster ball picture. I need to show my friend that picture.
