Monday, May 4, 2009


Nobody was complaining about the weather on Saturday simply because it wasn’t raining. Of course, it would be a bit better if it were seventy and sunny, but the clouds did nothing to deter the picnic, the party or the horse racing.

A balmy 60 degrees at 1:30 when the first race was run, the day made a perfect display of one of our favorite Virginia Gold Cup phenomenons. That would be the “I Bought This Outfit, I’m Gonna Wear It No Matter What The Weather” syndrome.

Kudos to the folks who stuck with their fashion choice, weather be damned. Sun dress, heels, sixty, cloudy – no problem, all ahead, full!

We couldn’t help but note that a lot of the locals went a bit more casual in anticipation of an afternoon rain, but all were delighted when the weather held.

Next year, we guarantee sunshine.

Photo by John Arundel -

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