Friday, May 1, 2009


Well, it looks like the local weather wags have nailed the forecast pictured here, and it’s going to be another picture perfect day the 84th running of the Virginia Gold Cup.

Ok, “perfect” if the race was held in Charleston, SC…

In reality, the forecast is for lots of clouds, temps in the sixties and chance of showers, but who really cares?

Let’s talk about the weather basics. First off, it’s not cold and isn’t that the critical point?

Cold is bad, warm is good. It’s warm. Game over.

There have been plenty of Gold Cup races and Gold Cup picnics/parties held under some clouds, and, quite frankly, they can be the best ones. Certainly takes that smelly sunscreen out of play…
So dress appropriately, and come have fun!

All ahead, full!

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