Tuesday, April 28, 2009


So Belle over at Capitol Hill Style is having a little bit of anxiety about what she is going to wear on Saturday saying “..many of my friends are furiously trying to find something to wear. The concern has now become that if they go shopping at J. Crew, Nordstrom, Tickled Pink (or any of the other traditional options) they will wind up wearing the same thing as someone else. This is an understandable fear.”

Wow, it’s good to be a guy.

We have to worry about finding a designated driver, not forgetting the tickets and avoiding the Swine Flu.

Really, we already know we are going to show up at Great Meadow on Saturday wearing the same thing – pants, for example. Shoes and a shirt are likely as well, and sport coats are optional. A hat’s not a bad idea, or sunscreen, as needed.

For example, check out these guys. They are all dressed similarly, but not the same. Evidently, if you’re a dude, that’s acceptable. No stress involved. Usually, guys choose their “outfits” for a big day like the Gold Cup based on one very strict criteria – “clean.”

Now, we understand the pressure on women not to show up wearing the identical Lily Whats-Her-Name dress as one of her friends or fellow party goers.

So measures can be taken. Belle suggests the Sunday Brunch Dress Shop for an original dress.

We simply suggest you reach into the closet and find the most unique outfit you have or go buy a new one like Belle suggests (after all it’s good for the economy). Now check out these this group. The young woman is wearing a flower print sun dress which probably has some probability of duplication, but since there are millions of permutations and combinations involving colors, flowers and prints, we wager she gets away with this.

Which brings us to the guys – Far Left Guy looks like he strolled out of W&L or UVa frat party. Classic, but easily duplicated. We’d recommend a tie that makes more of a statement.

Hmm…like Center Guy, now that’s a tie and if somebody else is wearing it on the First Saturday In May we’d be shocked.

And that brings us to Far Right Guy. Home run, dude. We don’t know who designed the sport coat, but there had to be a party involved. Well done. We suggest you wear it on Saturday as a jacket like that needs to be let out of the captivity of your closet more than once a year!

Don’t forget the extra batteries. (Just kidding.)

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