Friday, April 17, 2009


Hey, take a moment.

As Bruce Hornsby once said: “Look out any window, look out any open door.”

Yeah, what is that?

That, boys and girls, is the sun.

And, yes it’s been playing hooky quite a bit this dim, dark, rainy April.

It was so dark and cold here in close proximity to Virginia Gold Cup headquarters here in beautiful Warrenton, VA that the Mrs. noted that she almost felt compelled to go out get a Christmas tree. She was wearing a big fleece jacket at the time and was, quite frankly, rather convincing.

Bad enough it’s tax day, did it have to be cold and rainy too?

But today…ah, today is a different story and tomorrow supposed to be nicer.

Looking into the crystal ball we keep stashed in the corner office it looks like the first Saturday in May is going to be gorgeous.

As it should be.

There are a few races this weekend that could shed some light on the field for this year’s feature race. More on that next week.

Have a great weekend.

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