Wednesday, April 22, 2009


No we aren’t kidding. This “recession” has had all different kind of impacts on all different kinds of businesses including hat sales.

Evidently, sales are off in the biz of chapeaus, but the savvy distaff hat haberdasher has learned how to compensate by selling a redecorating service. There’s a word for that and it’s “clever.”

So if you were down and out about not having a new hat for this year’s Virginia Gold Cup, why not find a hat redecorator and give that old lid a nice new makeover?

Truth be told, why not have a couple Margaritas with your girl pals and then redecorate the darn thing yourself?

Really, we aren’t looking to take any business away from Hat Redecorator Extraordinaire Vicky Hoskinson (pictured here), but why not take this on as a post happy hour project.

Cocktails, scissors, feathers, ribbons, Sharpie pens…Go crazy!

Whether adorned with feathers or flowers, hats are as much a part of the Gold Cup spectacle as fast horses, tailgates and sunburns. The trick is to get your hat just right…so get busy, the Gold Cup is now a mere eleven days away.

Besides, “recycling” your Gold Cup hat is a perfect way to celebrate Earth Day!

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