Tuesday, April 28, 2009


The Going Out Gurus at the Washington Post had this to say this morning:

Another Chance for Gold Cup - Three weeks ago, we wrote about a number of the available party options for the Virginia Gold Cup steeplechase races.

Almost all of them sold out in a matter of days. If you missed your chance to join University Row, the party area featuring an open bar, catered lunch and a huge meet-and-greet with alumni from more than 50 schools, a limited amount of tickets just went on sale for one of the tents, including passes that offer round-trip bus transportation from D.C. (This tent is sponsored by Marquette, but as is the case across University Row, you don't have to be an alumni of to attend.)

We're guessing these won't last long, so pick up your tickets, then start picking out your sundress or seersucker. We'll see you on Saturday. -- Fritz


  1. Hey thanks for the link to VisitWinchesterVirginia.com. Can we use one of your excellent pictures for the post about the Gold Cup?
