Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Quick question: How many places can you wear an extravagant hat without looking really silly? As a matter fact, how many parties can you wear a hat to period – and we’re not talking about the batting helmet with a beer can on either side!

The Virginia Gold Cup, like that little race down in Kentucky on the same day – what’s the name of that thing? Oh yeah, the Kentucky Derby, that’s it…Like the Kentucky Derby, the Gold Cup has become a place where hats are considered an important part of the fashion parade. Almost everybody has a hat they never wear because they haven’t found the right opportunity. Eureka! Opportunity found.

So get in that closet and locate that great hat you’ve been saving for a special event, or head out on an expedition in search of a nouveau chapeau. Think outside the hat box, and go for it.

Don’t be shy. Enter the Hat Contest held on Members Hill at 2:15. We know what you’re thinking, “How will I get there if I’m at a tailgate on the North or South Rail, and how will I remember 2:15?” No problem, the ticket takers at Members Hill will let any and all Hat Contest contestants up to Members Hill at the appropriate time. No special ticket required.

As far as remembering the time, you have two options. You can listen to the P.A. announcer, and he will tell you when to come to Members Hill for the contest. Your other option is to write it on your hand, maybe in a foreign language just to be festive. For example, take a Sharpie and across the back of your hand write in French “2:15 Concours de Chapeau.” Or how about in German “2:15 Hutwettbewerb” or in Italian “2:15 Concorso del Cappello.” Look, if you're going for the ultimate conversation starter or reminder go exotic, how about: “2:15 состязание шлема” (Russian) or “2:15 帽子のコンテスト”(Japanese).

The contest has several categories – best looking, most outrageous, etc. No, we don't know what #46 was thinking when he got dressed. Who knows?

There’s even a category for kids. If you win, you get a nice prize from Leesburg Premium Outlets.

So grab that great hat, and we will see you on Saturday.

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