Friday, April 6, 2007


Plenty of folks attend the Gold Cup and never see a horse, but you certainly won’t see one at a Nationals’ game. After all, who knows what percentage of the 50,000 people at the Gold Cup will actually see a race or even a single horse for that matter? While that is a point of minor consternation to the jockeys who risk their lives, and to the owners and trainers who sink substantial resources into these steeds, it’s no big deal to the rest of us.

But if you do want to see the horses, the Gold Cup is a much better venue than a Nats’ game. You simply won’t see any equines at RFK unless the mounted police show up, and that’s unlikely as the Nats aren’t good enough to require any Mounted Police crowd control. No Dice K. No more Soriano. You get the point.

Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your perspective, the Nats play 162 games a year. There are 81 of these gems at “home.” However there is only ONE Virginia Gold Cup. Try not to miss it. It will be fun, and your team won’t lose. There will be plenty of good looking men and women there, lots of food and friends and the horses are the most talented underpaid athletes you will ever see.

If you see any at all…

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