Monday, April 9, 2007


Can you keep a secret? I’ll let you in on a little something. My usual gig? Foxhunting. Winter. Cold. Running up and down hills over slippery ground chasing a bunch of howling flea bag mutts that are chasin’ some fox. Are you kidding me? To make it worse, they get me up at the crack of dawn, give me a bath…a bath, in the middle of the winter mind you! Drag me off of my farm down the road to some other farm. When it’s over they have something called a hunt breakfast. Bull. Fancy word for cocktail party. Do I get to go? Oh no, trusty steed here gets to hang out in the horse trailer and munch on some hay and wait until the party is over. Nice…real nice.

Now, this Gold Cup gig? Much, much better. Primo, in fact. It doesn’t start until late morning. It’s warm. Almost always a beautiful day. I get to cruise around with a bunch of my famous racehorse cousins who are running in the $100,000 Virginia Gold Cup. That’s serious coin.

Oh, and this knucklehead to my left? He gets to cruise around on my back and flirt with the pretty girls at all the rail side parking spaces. Nice shades, huh? This is pretty much how we spend our day. Pretty girls love horses. Little kids get to pet me on the nose, which is way cool. Little girls love horses too. This is a much better gig -- sleep late, hang with the homies, flirt with the chicks, lots of photo ops with the kiddies. An occasional apple or carrot. Quality equine afternoon, thank you very much.

Who’s with me? Seriously, look at this face. Who couldn’t love this face? Who doesn’t want to PAR-TAY with this mug? Who's with me?

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