Monday, October 22, 2007


Arthur Arundel's Seeyouattheevent (pictured right in a photo by Tracy A. Woodward) won the feature race -- the International Gold Cup.

For a great photo essay courtesy of the Loudoun Extra and the Washington Post, go to:
For some more blog love and an awesome lobster bisque recipe along with every gin drinkers dream (a bucket of the stuff...), go to:

A good time was had by all!

Friday, October 19, 2007


Sarah Meyer Walsh's “The District Domestic” is a blog designed "to share my passion for incredible food, beautiful days in the garden and fine home keeping." In her “spare” time, she runs Haute Papier, a couture stationery studio in Washington, DC.

She also knows a first class social event when she sees one!

The District Domestic featured the IGC earlier this week...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Hey, I don't let everybody in on the inside information I get as a jockey, but here's something you should know: Saturday, the weather geniuses say it's going to be sunny and 72 degrees. I don't want to get caught up in Weather Channel hyperbole, but that sounds almost perfect for a day at the races...

Perfect for the horses, perfect for the jockeys, perfect for a tailgate...Perfect.

Who's with me?

Monday, October 15, 2007


There was some excitement in the Gold Cup office the other day when one of Britney Spears' "people" called in looking for free tickets to the International Gold Cup coming up this Saturday. There was a bit of scuffling about until it was verified that the caller was legit and was, in fact, representing Spears.

A quick meeting was held of everyone in the office, and the vote was 11-0. Well, the guy delivering the water hemmed and hawwed for a few minutes, but we told him if he wanted to vote he had to pull the trigger.

He voted NO.

So did everybody else.

Maybe next year.


Here's how this goes...You get a racehorse and you want to name it after one of your buddies or somebody famous. The registry -- The Jockey Club -- will let you name it Alvin Contradine, but they won't let you name him Bradd Pitt or George Clooney or Tom Brady. They most certainly will NOT let you name it Oprah Winfrey.

In order to give a Thoroughbred racehorse a famous persons name, you have to get permission from said famous person. In less of course, you hedge your bet just a bit...

Enter Oprah Winney. We don't know if her owners got permission from media mogul Oprah Winfrey or not, but Winfrey will pay tribute to her (almost) equine namesake next Tuesday, October 23, when The Oprah Winfrey Show runs a segment on the top filly sprinter Oprah Winney.

The segment is expected to include footage from Oprah Winney's victory earlier this year in the Barbara Fritchie Handicap at Laurel Park over in Maryland as well as scenes from last year's Breeders' Cup World Championships. The fleet Rick Dutrow trainee is scheduled to make her next start in the inaugural running of the $1 million Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Sprint on October 26 at Monmouth Park in Oceanport, N.J. (ESPN2, 4:00-6:00 p.m., ET)
All this is great, and contratry to how this usually goes. Typically, if you name a horse after one of your friends or a celeb, they can't outrun a fat man uphill.

Way to go, Oprah!

Thursday, October 11, 2007


The Fall Golf Cup is just 10 days away, so it’s time to get serious about the wardrobe. It’s been a little bit hard to think about what to wear on a spectacular fall afternoon when the recent weather has seemed like July.

And then there was today…Break out the tweed! This Thursday a.m. awoke cool and brisk, and sort of…autumn like. It’s about time. Of course, the International Gold Cup is always a little more difficult to handicap in terms of weather since the third Saturday in October can be 55 or 80 – one just never knows.

However, just like the spring, keep in mind those famous words of rocker Joe Jackson – “You Gotta Look Sharp.” Trade in the sun dress for something a little bit warmer. Guys, hang onto the sport coat…it looked good in the Spring and it will continue to do so in the Fall while keeping you, the date you brought, or the date you just met warm. Tweed is good. It being fall with pumpkins and mums, brown seems to be popular. Just look at the horses.

If you’re a child, you can wear a costume. A horse costume is a good call. If you are older than eleven or twelve such an outfit will only scare people. If you must wear such a thing be sure to pin a sign on your chest that says “Lost a Bet.”

Like the spring and the world famous Virginia Gold Cup, hats are important. But spring hats and summer hats are different as most of you know.

Be creative, it’s all in good fun!


So what is the difference between the two race meets -- the Virginia Gold Cup and the International Gold Cup? Well there are a few very subtle differences that you can best determine by attending each race. However, from a big picture perspective -- and big picture being about a fun day -- they are pretty much the same. The sun is in a slightly different position in the sky, there is probably a 10/15 degree weather variable, and a few more clothes may or may not be needed.

All and all, the smiles look pretty much the same.


THE OPERATIVE WORD IS COOL...It's just a cool picture of two horses going over a big jump on a spectacular October aftenoon.

Will you be there?

Hope so.